Monday, September 12, 2005

Cieda (pronounced See-dah) the bear

One of my boys, Karsten, has a very vivid imagination. Karsten is four years old. He is a typically Dutch boy, with very blond hair, big blue eyes, and rosy red cheeks. He also has a very special creature. That creature is a stuffed bear named Cieda.

Cieda has a very special history. This is a history that I and his parents know very well. It's a history that I hope to one day write in a children's book and publish proffessionally. This is a story that's been written over the last couple of years, by Karsten's active imagination and by the histories of those around him.

Cieda is a precious bear. He's a he. Cieda was born in China. That's where his parents live. But Cieda lives here with Karsten (and inevitably with our family). Now, Cieda's parents live in China, but they work in America. Cieda's father works in a hospital and also drives a firetruck. Cieda's mother works in an ambulance. They have a castle in France, which is where they live during the summer. Cieda also has a sister. We recently tried to ask him how old she is, but it was very difficult to get a coherent answer from him because his eyes and brain were glued to the television (Bob the Builder, I think).

Cieda and Karsten have an extremely close connection. They do everything together. They sleep together. They watch television together. Actually, they haven't been doing that as much as usuall, but when Karsten is afraid he's automatically demanding that Cieda be brought to him. They eat together. Karsten can't seem to survive sitting in his chair if his bear isn't right by his side. Cieda isn't allowed to go to school, otherwise they'd even do that together. While Karsten is at school, Cieda sits on Karsten's chair, perfectly upright. Karsten tells me that nobody is allowed to sit on Cieda because Cieda doesn't like it. If I tickle Karsten, and Cieda is nearby, it's Cieda who complains, not Karsten.

Recently, Cieda was hurt. He had a very large tear in his fur on the front left side of his body. Karsten cared for him as well as he could. Finally, in March or April, Karsten's grandmother, "a doll doctor", fixed Cieda. Karsten was so proud.

That's the story of Cieda and Karsten. I've told you about Cieda. What about Karsten? What kind of a four-year old can be so imaginitave? Well, Karsten is a kid that I'm glad I know while he's still young. It's very obvious to me and his parents that the kid is extremely intelligent, a feature that is best if I don't have to deal with it later on in his life, when he's better at using that feature. He's a boy with a great determination...only when he wants to have that determination. He doesn't try to do something until he thinks that he can do it. For day Karsten started to ride a bike without training wheels. He never learned. He just started. Last school year he refused to draw, glue, tape, build or do anything in school. He "couldn't do it." And because he was convinced, he didn't even try. This year he does all of those things, plus some. The boy is already adding. For four years old, that's good...really good. And at the age of four, he's already developing a taste for beer, which always makes me laugh. Almost every Friday night his dad has a beer with his supper, and Karsten always wants a taste. After taking a sip he wrinkles up his nose, does an excellent job at not gagging, and says, "yummy."

Yes, Karsten is a mind-boggling boy. And I believe he's about to become more complicated. I pity the poor little girls that will one day have a crush on him, because he tends to reject people that want to get the closest to him. He'll be having a lot of fun when he's older. And so will his mom and dad.

However, I must say that I have come to treasure that brave little boy. I'll always remember the little boy that loved a bear and talked constantly of knights and dragons. And books. He reads a lot of books, and he can't even read yet. I love that. What an amazing little boy.


At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once knew a little girl that didn't 'learn' to walk. One day when her mommy was talking with a friend this little girl just walked into the living room. She kind of reminds me of karsten except her special friend was a grouch named Oscar...


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