Saturday, August 27, 2005

Blogs and Templates

Ok then, I just spent the last few hours learning a little bit about blogs. There appeared to be something very wrong with the layout of my blog and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was. In the blog you could see my main content, my posts, towards the top of the page and the sidebar containing my profile and such were all the way towards the bottom of the page. I couldn't figure out how to get them side by side. As a result, I did a lot of playing around with the Template and the location of some things. Well, I still didn't manage to get them side by side, though I did manage to get the sidebar on top and the posts underneath. Finally, I decided to ask the Help menu. I finally found the problem. My pictures for the last post were too wide. Good grief!! All that moving around and playing with Templates (for the first time ever and with no training) was just so I could learn that I needed to make my pictures smaller. Unbelievable. But, I also learned a very important thing through it. Templates can be understandable if you just set your mind to learning the language. So perhaps I'll one day write a a Template. Ha ha. I wouldn't mind. It'd be worth knowing. Well, then, I guess it's bed time. I'm tired after the Template nightmare and I'm ready to sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday and with it comes my potential replacement, Church, drama practice, and a birthday party. It ought to be a long and pleasant day, but I do want to be well rested for it.


At 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah welcome to the headaches of html. Although it is simple a wrong /< etc. can realy screw things up. Its realy hard to find the mistakes, Almost like a puzzle. Can be very frustrating and also rewarding at the same time. A very good way to express yourself and share your world with everyone.


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