Friday, September 02, 2005

Happy Birthday to me

Yes, all you peoples, today is my birthday. I'm now 23 years old. It's my first birthday on foreign soil, though it's not my first birthday far from home. This morning I woke up early so that I could join my Dutch family in the twin's bedroom. There they sang to me the Dutch birthday song called, "lang zal zij leven". It means, "long shall she live" or something like that. Anyway, it's my birthday. We're having a birthday party at 3:00, complete with cake and guests. The guests are my four kids and one neighbor kid and possibly another kid, friend of one of mine. It'll be insane because that means 5-6 kids in one house to dry me insane on my birthday. But that's ok, because it's my birthday. Tonight I am going to the theatre (not a sin to me, I've "worked it out with fear and trembling") with my friend, Marjon. I don't know what we'll watch, but I'm sure that I'll have a story to tell tomorrow. It'll be great. Well, I must be going, heading to the open market.


At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you enjoyed the movie ;):p.




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