What is koffie? Koffie is actually the Dutch spelling of coffee. Same basic sounds, different letters. Coffee is probably the most widely used soft drug on the planet, but nobody goes to get addiction counseling for it. In college I had a friend, Jamieson, that could drink no less than a pot of coffee every day. In fact, his regular coffee mug was large enough to fit my stomach in, I think. He drank so much coffee that we lovingly reffered to his blood as a constantly flowing stream of caffiene. Healthy? No. But it made for a great college club.
I remember my first year at my college. I went to an unknown, small, secluded, freezing, diverse, strict, and interesting bible college. Here is where I'm supposed to say, "Those were the best years of my life." I won't say that, but I will mention that they were the years that I learned the most. Freshman year was interesting. In October of that year (2000) I went on a trip to Albany, New York. This was a 10-day trip that every student participated in, but we all went to different places in groups of 2-4 people. It is called "Crusades". That particular semester I was in a group of four. There were two other women, me, and then there was Jamieson. Well, I've already mentioned Jamieson's infatuation with coffee. The other two ladies also drank A LOT! I, however, hated coffee and was determined to never drink it (especially since they were determined to get me to join their club). And so, the ten day trip began.
Our journey took us to a lively church in Albany. There were many youth and kids. There was also a Christain school during the week. We were going to be helping out in it. I don't remember a lot. I remember playing soccer for the first time ever (in a skirt, no less). I remember getting along really well with the teenagers, especially the guys (ha ha). I remember the family that I lived with, and their beautiful three daughters (and that I accidentally electrocuted one...but that's another story). And I remember that one of the class rooms had a Guinea Pig for the class pet. That little beast was adorable, cute, sweet...you name it. He was also long haired. So cute. He was one of those little animals that you just HAD to hold! So, of course, I held him.
One of the major misfortunes about being an 18 year old is that you do stupid things. Holding that beast was one of those stupid things, even though it's less stupid than perhaps other things. I am allergic to guinea pigs. I knew that I was allergic to the beast when I saw it. But it was so cute that I just HAD to pick it up and hold it. I figured, "I'm not THAT allergic, just a little. I'll be ok." Wrong. Five minutes later, after holding the cute little beast, my body protested to my foolishness. My nose began to run, my eyes itched soooooooooo much, and then my throat itched. The nose thing, I can handle that. The eyes, that's irritating, but after I wash my hands to get off beast dander I am usually ok. The throat, however, is the most unpleasant, annoying, and unreachable place to have itching!!! You can't stick your hand down your throat to scratch!! And so I had to find something, ANYTHING, to relieve the itching. I drank some water. That seemed to make the irritation worse. I had no other drink. So, I did what came most naturally to a suffering teenager: I asked if there was anything to drink in the building. "Water." "I tried that." "Coffee." I think to myself, 'I don't like coffee'. I say out loud, "OK, where is it?" I thought to myself, "Just one cup to get rid of the itching."
One cup later, I felt a lot better. Two cups later my friends called me an addict. And 5 years later I find it very pleasant to drink a cup of coffee every day. If somebody asks me if I want a coffee I reply, "sure!" I almost never turn down the stuff. That being the case, I've come to the right country. The Dutch love coffee (except for Marjon) and offer it freely.
1 or 2 years ago I finally allowed myself to admit that I'm addicted to coffee. That doesn't mean I'm trying to quit. I just finally let myself say that I'm a coffee addict. Last week I re-thought that confession. We had a visitor from Bulgaria staying with us last week. I made us some coffee every morning, except for Wednesday. Wednesdays and Fridays are the days that Danielle is home from work, and she always makes hot chocolate somewhere between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. Last Wednesday I skipped making coffee. It didn't make sense to make a whole pot of coffee if we were going to have hot chocolate in five minutes anyway. No problem. I never made the coffee. Later that day, our visitor and I were walking through the town center when she asked if we could stop for a coffee somewhere. I said sure, but inside I thought over how unecessary that was. We stopped and had a cup. Friday morning I made the pot of coffee because I figured she'd need it. I didn't mind having it either. Later that afternoon we were in the center again. We didn't have time to stop to buy a cup, so that was good. Saturday, Jack made a pot of coffee. I had some. I don't know if she did. Maybe she was too scared. But later that day she and I went for a walk. A really long walk. We'd hardly begun walking before she was asking if there was a good place to get a coffee. She talked about how it'd be great if we could get a coffee to go and just walk and drink at the same time. Well, Dutch places don't do coffee to go. Only McDonalds, and we weren't very close to that. So we had to sit down.
It was during these experiences that I came to the conclusion that I'm not addicted to coffee. I don't have to have it every morning. I enjoy drinking coffee very much, yes. But it's more like a relaxing thing. I drink it while folding laundry, or while reading a book or my Bible. It's relaxing.
My host family knows how much I enjoy coffee. When I first arrived they bought me an American sized coffee mug. See, all the cups in the house are too small for the size that I usually drink. The funny thing is that I don't usually drink more than the Dutch. It's just that I put it all into one cup instead of making the coffee twice, like they do. So, when I first got here they bought me a nice, big mug. It only cost 1 Euro at the Albert Hein (prominent grocery store co
mparable to Shaws). I've been using that mug almost daily since that day. It's been a good friend to me all these months. Why write all this? Well, today, Danielle came home with two little gifts for me. She thought of me when she saw them. They are two mugs shown in the picture. She told me that the old red mug was boring now, so she got these because she knew I'd like them. She also said I'm free to take them home. I intend to sit down to a cup of coffee with my mom because I know that she'll find them very cute. I also have a very beautiful new mug from Mrs. Pluym. I will have a great struggle deciding between which mug to use, which can be bad because I can be extremely indecisive when it comes to such small decisions. I do know for sure, however, that if I ever have a kitchen it will most likely be in the colors of the Mrs. Pluym mug.
And so, "that's all she wrote". The final conclusion is I am not a koffie-holic and will never join its anonymous, and I've got two cute mugs to add to my collection. And with that, amongst other things, I am happy.