Wednesday, December 14, 2005

...I just didn't feel like it!

I was thinking about my blog and realizing I haven't written anything for quite awhile, which is boring if you are the reader. I have many excuses for writing nothing for a week...I was busy visiting people and working, I was trying to finish building a puzzle before today so that I could clean it up (didn't succed...I finished it this afternoon and now it's still on my floor, which will change in a few moments probably), I was tired and had to sleep so that I wouldn't strangle the children, and...I just didn't feel like writing anything. I do have a topic, or actually a story, that I want to write and post later on, but first I have to write out the story. It's a very good story...but I'll tell it another time.

So basically, today's post is about almost nothing, though I do believe I'll just rattle on about a few things. First I'll rattle on about this past weekend. I went a visited the Pluym's this weekend. I went on Saturday, stayed overnight, and didn't leave until after dinner Sunday evening. They put up with my presence quite well (ha ha). Saturday afternoon I spent playing a game called Rummikub with Jon Pluym, a 17 year-old guy that is not a typical teenager except for the fact that he hates to do his homework. That was fun. We listened to Josh Groban (a singer that is non-Christian and sings in four languages or so and has a very nice voice). We talked about languages and we argued about whether I ought to learn the longest word in Dutch or not. I didn't want to and he said I should, but I ended the discussion by telling him that the longest word in the Dutch language is a useless word that I'll never use, which means it's better for me to use my small reserve of brain power on something more usefull, such as verb conjugations (this was a discussion made in English, of course). A little bit later we all ate dinner together, with Ben's "fair cousin", Mathilde, joining. Afterwards, we (myself, Ben, Mathilde, Jon, and Jon's friend Laura) went to Mathilde's and watched the last 2/3 of Pride and Prejudice. Man, what a great story. It is so very romantic. I enjoy it ever time.

After the movie we all went home and went to bed. Sunday came, which was a relaxing and pleasant day. Mathilde's parents came over, with whom we visited for awhile until the conversation went in a direction that wasn't exactly mind employing to us young ones. So Ben, Jon, and I went upstairs and played Scrabble. I almost won. I should have won. The game was in my language. However, Benjamin, who was far behind in points and doubted his ability to catch up using the five letters on his board, managed to beat me by four points. It was very disappointing. We later ate a late lunch, I took a nap (wasn't feeling so well), then Ben and I sang for awhile. After that we ate supper.

Ben and I then went to a youth church that was nearby. We showed up late, just in time for the preaching. The preaching was soft and sugar coated. The preacher talked about becoming a Christian and how if you do then you'll have peace, joy, love...etc. He forgot to mention that there's the possiblity of experiencing persecution and that things still go wrong with your life. But anyway, it was alright, just too soft.

After that I went home and started my week, which I was expecting to be rather difficult due to circumstances. However, it's been a rather lovely week up to this point (with the exception of a difficult child this morning) and circumstances changed giving me a relaxed day off on Friday. AND THEN!!!!! I GO!!!! HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Yes, Saturday is the big day! I leave for America, and I'm eager to see my family. I'm eager to see my house, which has changed so much that I'll not recognize it. It's going to be a wonderful two weeks because everyone is off from work that first week, and we'll be together. This will likely be my favorite Christmas ever. And I'm very excited, which is why you people get to read about it (notice, I don't often write about things happening in my personal life, so this is a very great exception that will likely not occur often). And that's it. Now you were able to read something. And I have to go to bed now. Good night and God bless.


At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great trip Sarah!!! Merry Christmas!!!


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