Drat, foiled again!
Friday of last week I had plans (or at least the idea) to go see a movie that I really know I'll enjoy. The movie is Pride and Prejudice. I am a big Jane Austin fan, finding her romances good, clean, and just the way it really goes. So of course, with Pride and Prejudice being shown in various theatres throughout the country I just had to go see it. A friend of mine, Marjon, was going to go with me. Unfortunately, something came up for her causing her to be busy and unable to come, which was fine. Good friend, Benjamin, also wanted to go along. So we decided to go, inviting Ben's younger brother, Jonathon, to go along. Benjamin checked the time of the showing on the internet and we made it there in wonderful timing. We walked into the theatre eager to see the beautiful, well-versed romance. Upon walking in we looked up at the board listing what films were playing and what times they were playing at. The film wasn't listed. Naturally, we asked what was going on and soon found out that the movie had started an hour earlier. We walked out, though still in very high spirits. We ended up going home and playing a game called Take 5 (nice game if you can win...which I can't).
This past Friday Benjamin came and helped me take care of my four kids so that I could attempt to cook supper (what a joke!...and that's not refering to Ben's help, but rather to my cooking). We decided that we wanted to go back to Rotterdam to watch Pride and Prejudice. We now knew what time the film was playing and we both know that we love the story very much. Little brother was called, hauled, and we were on our way. We arrived, again, at the theatre in Rotterdam. We walked in. There it was!! Listed on the board was "Pride and Prejudice....20:30". How exciting. We got to the front of the line, asked for the tickets, and were told it was sold out. No joke...it really happened. Well, we three laughed, walked out, and Jon made a ridiculous comment about God not wanting us to see the film (we would've made it into much worse films no problem, so why would God discourage us from seeing the only decent one there...food for thought). Well, we walked to the car, got in, and went home (mentioned home is not mine, but Ben and Jon's...and technically it isn't their's but their parents). I suggested that we rent a film, it was agreed upon, and we were off to Gorinchem!
We arrived in Gorinchem. We drove through the oh-so-narrow streets without mishaps and, just as we were driving by the video rental place to find a parking spot, we ran into Ben's cousin, Jessica, and a friend named Arno (spelling isn't necessarily correct...oh, and we didn't literally run into them). We stopped the car, rolled down the window, and chatted with them for a few minutes. They ended up going to Jess' house to watch their rented movie. Ben and I left Jon in the car to protect it and then walked to the video rental place. As we neared the store I noticed that the store clerk was lowering something that resembled a cage or jail door over the window of the door (which was consequently closed). We were too late. The store closed at 21:00, and it was now 21:02. Stink!
Fortunately, on the wall of the rental store there is a machine from which you can extract a movie, not unlike extracting money from an ATM. Cool. I'd never seen a movie come out of a wall before. Very exciting!! Well, Ben put his membership card in and on the screen it asked for his pincode. After trying 5 times to remember his pincode he was no longer allowed to try. So, I still haven't seen a movie come out of a wall. And we didn't watch a movie at all that night. By that time we decided that perhaps we should just go home and do something the didn't include a television, dvd player, and remote control. And in the end the lack of movie wasn't a disappointment but was actually reason for us to have nice conversation for a few hours.
And though the idea and plan was foiled, the evening was not.
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